Peaceworks is committed to moving a critical mass of Israelis and Palestinians to reject the status quo and unlock the full potential of both peoples.

Amplifying Moderate Voices for Lasting Peace

Our work began during the Second Intifada in 2002, driven by the need to amplify moderate voices in times of violence. Founded by Daniel Lubetzky, who later created KIND snack bars, PeaceWorks has tirelessly worked to empower the moderate majority of Israelis and Palestinians.

Today, PeaceWorks promotes lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians by engaging with the entire ecosystem of peacemaking. We look at frameworks for real progress, identify and amplify essential efforts, and attract more funders by providing clear direction. If you are interested in directing your support to effective peacemaking projects in the region, please email


We are committed to a just and lasting two-state solution that respects the security and rights of both Israelis and Palestinians and opposes all forms of terror and violence. We condemn continued occupation and settlement expansion, and push for equal civil, political, and economic rights as key steps to peace.